by gso4school

The GSO4SCHOOL consortium held its Kick-Off Meeting on 15-16 October 2019 in Stord, Norway, at the premises of the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). Representatives from the 7 partner institutions coming from 5 European countries (Norway, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Cyprus) gathered to discuss the overall approach of the project and how its work will unfold in the next years. Detailed planning and scheduling of the project activities was initiated and also the correlation between science and arts practices in education was discussed while taking into account the different national educational frameworks.

Through the discussions and presentation partners got a common understanding about the main issues of the project and agreed to proceed with the already foreseen work that will lead to the main project’s results.

It was decided that the first edition of the international GSO4SCHOOL 2020 Summer School will take place on 28/06 – 03/07 in Marathon, Greece.

The project will run for three years and is funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme of the EU.

About gso4school
GSO4SCHOOL Kick-Off Meeting 15-16 October 2019